Because This is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라 Review

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The 2017 Korean drama starring Jung So-Min as Yoon Ji-Ho, Lee Min-Ki as Nam Se-Hee, Esom as Woo Soo-Ji, Park Byung-Eun as Ma Sang-Gu, Kim Ga-Eun as Yang Ho-Rang, and Kim Min-Seok as Sim Won-Seok.

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Brief summary: Yoon Ji-Ho has always wanted to be a writer, but her path to success is looking to be more difficult than she had anticipated. Nam Se-Hee is the best in his field at his friend’s company, but since buying his own place in Seoul he has financial worries. Their personal problems lead them to become roommates, but accidentally! To solve both of their problems as well as they can, they agree to marry each other as landlord and tenant, as business partners. But being married is bound to present unique challenges of its own!

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Cute! Three couples, three different situations. It’s fun to watch all three of them and see how they deal with the twists and difficulties that relationships bring. Awkwardness, teamwork, and sometimes differing points of view. I appreciate a drama like this about the pros and cons of relationships.

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Some may say that humans are predictable, and it’s that predictability that most social sciences rely on. But people change all the time. We change our preferences, our looks, our perspectives, and even our names. Out of all the animal kingdom, humans are probably instead one of the most unpredictable species. And this is what makes relationships difficult or seem daunting. It’s what baffles me about most relationships in general; how do two people find a way to align themselves and establish a commitment based on just a few common interests? For Ji-Ho and Se-Hee, those common interests were emotionless- a little more logical yet out of the ordinary. For Ho-Rang and Won-Seok, most of those common interests were all emotion and the requirements of life kept getting in the way. Watching between the two couples, I became very interested in why one was working out and the other was not. I think it’s worth looking into as a social phenomenon- why do people enter relationships? What exactly are we looking for when we seek out someone for that kind of companionship?

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So the big question the drama asks is “What is marriage?” Is it adjusting to another person out of commitment? Is it something we enter strictly out of love? If so, what is love, exactly? By the end of the show, the characters seem to have different perspectives of marriage and what it is.
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This was my first experience watching Lee Min-Ki. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t seen his other dramas and movies. His appeal is definitely in his acting ability. Not bad at all! I do feel a little sorry that we couldn't see a scene with him throwing punches in episode 14 or 15.

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Jung So-Min is very talented. It’s easy to love her, no matter what role she’s in!

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I think the character I most related to, however, was Woo Soo-Ji. She was like a living hedgehog, a very confident, blunt hedgehog. She wasn’t afraid to let people know her mind, wasn’t ashamed of ditching a bra when it became uncomfortable, and was confident in herself. Every persona has his or her weaknesses, but those didn’t define her. Sometimes people with challenges like Soo-Ji let those challenges define them instead of just shaping them, and those people are rarely happy or successful. I loved the prospect portrayed by Soo-Ji about overcoming and fighting your way up the ladder of success. That punch in episode 14 was probably definitely my fave Soo-Jin moment.

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I liked this one. A great drama!

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