The 2016 Korean drama, starring Jang Geun-Suk as Baek Dae-Gil, Yeo Jin-Goo as Yeon Ying-Gun, Jun Kwang-Ryul as Lee In-Jwa, and Lim Ji-Yeon as Dam-Seo. Also known as “Daebak” or "The Royal Gambler."
Brief summary: Baek Dae-Gil has grown up unsure of his origins, but one thing is certain— he is the best gambler in all of Joseon. But he has a goal other than just money. His ambition is to take revenge for his father’s death and he will stop at nothing. Yeo Jin-Goo is another headstrong young man, a royal who likes living on the edge. His fascination with gambling leads him face to face with Baek Dae-Gil.
This drama could have been better. It had a unique idea with a gambling concept and gave Jang Geun-Suk a chance to prove himself in a historical drama, but the plot proceeded to run in circles and didn’t progress further. The suspense in the gambling scenes was overplayed repeatedly— I found myself looking for something more interesting and was disappointed. There wasn’t much effort put into anything else! It was difficult to finish.
I wasn’t expecting a love interest in this drama, no romantic themes or what-not. In my opinion, it would have been better to choose one of the two: 1) no love interest at all and the drama be just about the two brothers, or 2) emphasize that love interest enough to satisfy female audiences. It feels like half-baking a cake to introduce a female lead as a potential love interest such as Dam-Seo but then to give her a lacking character and minimal part. When it comes to writing up love interests, you must go all or nothing in order to make a suitable addition to your original story concept. And we want to keep audiences enthralled! It doesn’t matter if your lead actress isn’t the latest standard of pretty or can’t act as well as the next Park Shin-Hye, just so long as she is written well!
The music reminded me of “Hwarang” or another historical drama I’ve seen somewhere. This is another reason I think “Jackpot” felt redundant. Certain music may be up for grabs and you can use it in whatever scene you like, but you don’t want viewers to be thinking of another drama when they’re watching yours. Although it is expensive to commission or acquire new music, it proves to pay back when the drama really succeeds.
The only thing I thought this drama really had working for it was casting both Jang Geun-Seok and Yeo Jin-Goo. Both those men are very talented and they still have potential for even greater roles. I was impressed with them, if not their characters. I know good acting when I see it.
There were some things I would have done differently with “Jackpot,” but I do appreciate the unique idea in the first place. 2/5 stars.
The 2016 Korean drama, starring Jang Geun-Suk as Baek Dae-Gil, Yeo Jin-Goo as Yeon Ying-Gun, Jun Kwang-Ryul as Lee In-Jwa, and Lim Ji-Yeon as Dam-Seo. Also known as “Daebak” or "The Royal Gambler."
Brief summary: Baek Dae-Gil has grown up unsure of his origins, but one thing is certain— he is the best gambler in all of Joseon. But he has a goal other than just money. His ambition is to take revenge for his father’s death and he will stop at nothing. Yeo Jin-Goo is another headstrong young man, a royal who likes living on the edge. His fascination with gambling leads him face to face with Baek Dae-Gil.
This drama could have been better. It had a unique idea with a gambling concept and gave Jang Geun-Suk a chance to prove himself in a historical drama, but the plot proceeded to run in circles and didn’t progress further. The suspense in the gambling scenes was overplayed repeatedly— I found myself looking for something more interesting and was disappointed. There wasn’t much effort put into anything else! It was difficult to finish.
I wasn’t expecting a love interest in this drama, no romantic themes or what-not. In my opinion, it would have been better to choose one of the two: 1) no love interest at all and the drama be just about the two brothers, or 2) emphasize that love interest enough to satisfy female audiences. It feels like half-baking a cake to introduce a female lead as a potential love interest such as Dam-Seo but then to give her a lacking character and minimal part. When it comes to writing up love interests, you must go all or nothing in order to make a suitable addition to your original story concept. And we want to keep audiences enthralled! It doesn’t matter if your lead actress isn’t the latest standard of pretty or can’t act as well as the next Park Shin-Hye, just so long as she is written well!
The music reminded me of “Hwarang” or another historical drama I’ve seen somewhere. This is another reason I think “Jackpot” felt redundant. Certain music may be up for grabs and you can use it in whatever scene you like, but you don’t want viewers to be thinking of another drama when they’re watching yours. Although it is expensive to commission or acquire new music, it proves to pay back when the drama really succeeds.
The only thing I thought this drama really had working for it was casting both Jang Geun-Seok and Yeo Jin-Goo. Both those men are very talented and they still have potential for even greater roles. I was impressed with them, if not their characters. I know good acting when I see it.
There were some things I would have done differently with “Jackpot,” but I do appreciate the unique idea in the first place. 2/5 stars.
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