The 2015 Korean drama, starring Park Bo-Young as Na Bong-Sun, Jo Jung-Suk as Kang Sun-Woo, Kim Seul-Gie as Shin Soon-Ae, and Im Ju-Hwan as Choi Sung-Jae. Also known as “Oh My Ghost.”
Brief summary: Shin Soon-Ae is a ghost and she is boy-crazy. While running from a shamaness, she possesses the body of timid Na Bong-Sun. Soon-Ae’s bright personality is a stark difference to Na Bong-Sun’s character, and the difference gets people interested in her at work, including the famous chef Kang Sun-Woo. But when the ghost gets it in her head to seduce Kang Sun-Woo, how are Bong-Sun and Sun-Woo going to handle her?
“Oh My Ghostess” is cute. It really makes Park Bo-Young shine as an actress, switching back and forth between characters like that.
This drama wasn’t as exciting for me as it could have been. Of course, there’s the whole mystery behind Shin Soon-Ae’s death, and episode 15 was really the climax of that, but I wasn’t really satisfied by Choi Sung-Jae’s ending. For a lot of the show I also had difficulty figuring out which female was the lead- was it Soon-Ae or Bong-Sun? The idea we have going into choosing our OTP is that the ghost is dead, lead male is alive, so it’s probably Na Bong-Sun and and Kang Sun-Woo who are likely to end up together. But Shin Soon-Ae’s character was so strong and bright that for the first half of “Oh My Ghostess” I kind of liked her better. But Na Bong-Sun’s character did improve. But
I also think this drama could have done better with a more upbeat OST.
The supporting characters and actors were just fantastic. The kitchen team members were especially my favorites. Kang Ki-Young is always a good choice for comedic relief. I kept expecting Seo Joon (played by Kwak Si-Yang) to introduce the part of a second-lead male, but then he didn’t. I liked his character a lot, though.
Loved the Seo In-Guk cameo in episode 16!
Because it was a good story, organized, and the actors were excellent, I give this drama 4/5 stars. I’d probably recommend it to someone else or watch again eventually, but it doesn’t rank with my favorites.
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