The 2004 Japanese animated film by Hayao Miyazaki, based on the book of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones.
Brief summary: After a strange encounter with a mysterious sorcerer, Sophie is cursed by a witch into an old woman with little hope of release! She leaves the life of hat-making she knows to search out someone with magic that can cure her, but she finds the sorcerer Howl and his enchanted house instead! It looks like her only hope is the power within the conceited, lazy Howl.
I can only say that this movie was positively enchanting!
I loved it.
I want to read the book.
This was my first experience for a while with such a unique story and world. Miyazaki and D. W. Jones created such an intriguing, mystic world that I couldn’t bear to look away.
Sophie was a little confusing at first, but then I realized what was going through her head after watching the movie through for a second time. The Sophie of the first 20 minutes is polite, quiet, and rather shy, but after she’s cursed into an old woman it’s as if she said “Well, I can’t fix it, so I might as well embrace it and be as sassy as I want before I die.” The curse, although there’s nothing really good about a curse, gives Sophie a chance to escape her hard, shell-like exterior and be herself for once. Inspiring, really.
We didn’t see much Sophie and Howl’s romantic development as much as we saw Howl just showing Sophie his world, but I think we can safely infer that falling in love with his world is equivalent to falling in love with Howl. :)
5/5 stars and would totally recommend!
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