I Miss You 보고싶다 Review

I Miss You 보고싶다/ Missing You

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The 2012 Korean drama, starring Yoon Eun-Hye as Lee Soo-Yeon, Park Yoo-Chun as Han Jung-Woo, and Yoo Seung-Ho as Kang Hyung-Joon.

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Brief plot synopsis: Lee Soo-Yeon and Han Jung-Woo met as 15 year olds and developed a good relationship, but a tragedy drove them apart too soon. 14 years later, Han Jung-Woo, a police detective, finds Lee Soo-Yeon again, but she doesn't want to go back to the way things were. The two of them find themselves involved in a serial murder mystery, along with the strange and elusive Kang Hyung-Joon, but nothing is really as it seems.

The first thing I noticed about this drama was that it was kind of sad. The word "tragic" was used to describe it in the first summary I read on it, and I find myself using the same word. It's not that the ending was tragic, it's that the story is. The first four episodes paint a picture of happiness for the two main characters Lee Soo-Yeon and Han Jung-Woo, but then that picture is torn apart (pretty brutally in my opinion) by the story's antagonists. The rest of the story isn't necessarily full of saddening events, but the one tragic event is the driving force for the story, so that theme never really goes away.

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I accepted the despairing plot looking forward to the pursuit and capture of the antagonists, for justice to be served, but there were a lot more waterworks than I  expected. The characters were having a lot more cry-moments than I thought were really necessary. The idea was that they were still caught up in the tragedy of what happened to separate them, but it wasn't really efficient for the story's progress. As we watch, we know eventually that they have to reconcile, but for roughly ten episodes we just see a lot of personal struggle on either side, Lee Soo-Yeon's and Han Jung-Woo's. Don't worry, though- they get over it.

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While Yoon Eunn-Hye's performance somewhat disappointed me, I was not displeased with Park Yoo-Chun. I've seen him in other dramas before ("Rooftop Prince" and "Sungkyunkwan Scandal"), and in those I wasn't too pleased with his character, but this time he really made Han Jung-Woo come alive. He sold Han Jung-Woo off as the kind of man any girl would want, and he ended up being a redeeming quality for the show.

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I was also a little fascinated with Yoo Seung-Ho's acting. I've always been a bit interested in acting skill as an antagonist (perhaps because acting as the bad guy sounds fun although you know they don't win the story over in the end). Kang Hyung-Joon seemed like a particularly interesting character. The first thing that fascinated me was the leg injury. Throughout the entire drama, Kang Hyung-Joon is disabled because of his right leg and we don't doubt it once because it was portrayed so well. There was not a single moment that Kang Hyung-Joon walked without his limp. The other thing that fascinated me was Kang Hyung-Joon's mental stability, or rather deterioration of it. It gets progressively worse until at the very end you just feel a little sorry for the boy. And Yoo Seung-Ho is just attractive regardless of his role, so what's not to like about that? 😉

The bit of comedic relief that this show did get was mostly between Han Jung-Woo and his work partner, Joo Jung-Myung. Joo Jung-Myung is on the protagonist's side, but he's only involved in the story in Han Jung-Woo's occupational life. He acts quickly whenever Han Jung-Woo is in danger or whenever they have a lead on the case, and his character is so cute! The bromance was definitely relieving for the intense story. And now we just wish that he really did find a girlfriend in the end!

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This drama does have a happy ending. It takes a while, but the characters eventually reconcile and decide that they do love each other after all. Lives are preserved and the goal is won. How could we not be happy about it?

In conclusion, "I Miss You" was interesting, but not a personal favorite. I think there were plenty of things that could have been improved but I enjoyed watching it for the most part. It had a great cast a good acting, even if the tears were a little overdone. Here's to cute stories and happy endings!

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  1. Agree with you for the most part. Yoon Eon Hye got on my nerves as the episodes progressed. I wanted the series to be done and over with. Only watched it for Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Seung Ho. The writers had 21 episodes to perfect an ending equal to the outstanding beginning, they failed.


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