Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo 역도요정 김복주 Review

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The 2016-2017 Korean drama, starring Lee Sung-Kyung as Kim Bok-Joo and Nam Joo-Hyuk.

Brief summary: Kim Bok-Joo is a weightlifter at Haneul Sports University with a spunky personality and impressive eating capacity. Jung Joon-Hyung is on the swim team but has a little trouble with his start. The two of them meet and their worlds collide, especially when Bok-Joo develops a crush on his older cousin. Joon-Hyung and Bok-Joo become closer and closer as time passes and as they experience new things together, but what is Joon-Hyung going to do with these growing feelings he has for Bok-Joo?

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This drama is so cute! Ten out of ten for cuteness! It was the first drama I watched starring Nam Joo-Hyuk, and I wasn't disappointed with his performance at all! 

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The story is a slice of life, understandable from many points of view. The characters are all very realistic, and so is the plot line. 

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(Well, maybe having such a perfect boyfriend isn't that realistic... 😝)

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I loved watching Bok-Joo and Joon-Hyung's relationship grow, but I loved watching the secondary characters, too. Joon-Hyung's roommate Tae-Kwon is just hilarious and I was so happy when he started making an interest in Bok-Joo's friend Sun-Ok! There wasn't enough time to follow that bit through, but by the end there is enough just to wonder if things worked out between them. It's a little curiosity that just leaves you hanging in the end.

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But the drama is more valuable for the principles that it brings to attention. In the first half of the story, Bok-Joo struggles with her self-image because she likes a guy and wants to be seen as feminine, but she's a weightlifter. This worry about her self-image starts to cause problems in other areas of her life until Joon-Hyung can convince her that she doesn't need to follow the world's trend of the word "feminine" in order to be attractive. Just Kim Bok-Joo is enough :)

The other principle that takes dominance in the second part of the drama is about hard work. Hard work pays off eventually. Since the story is about athletes, many of them are trying to improve themselves to qualify for greater teams, competition, and medals. Both of the main characters are very involved in their sports and have to push themselves to the limit again and again in order to improve. This is a part of life for everyone, is it not? Because there IS no improvement if you cannot push your limits further and further every time, whether they are athletic or not. 

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This drama seems to have similar vibes to the 2016 drama "Cheese in the Trap," probably because they are both coming-of-age dramas portraying college students just trying to make it to graduation. I wouldn't say it's because of Lee Sung-Kyung's participation in either because the roles are completely different 😂

This romantic comedy should be seen everywhere! If only it were more than 16 episodes!! 😭😭😭

Oh. And of course, Lee Jong-Suk's cameo with references to "W" was just the coolest thing since sliced bread!

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