The 2014 Korean drama, starring Yang Jin-Sung as Na Doo-Rim/ Jang Yi-Kyung and Lee Hong-Ki as Choi Kang-Ju.
Brief synopsis: It is said a curse follows the Choi family from generation to generation, that the first wife of the eldest son is fated to die shortly after the wedding. Taeyang Group's Choi Kang-Ju is engaged to another person of worthy status, Jang Yi-Kyung, but Jang Yi-Kyung isn't so sure about their relationship due to Kang-Ju's attitude and the curse rumors. A plan soon hatches to involve an unsuspecting look-alike to snatch the position as daughter-in-law of Taeyang Group, but the doppelganger is going to prove to be a little more difficult to manage than they thought!
I came back to this one after a while because initially it was a little difficult to get into the story in the first episode. It proved to be effective, because I had no difficulty enjoying it the second time around. The leading actress was truly talented.
I'll admit, I was a little surprised by the type of character Lee Hong-Ki played. I had been so used to seeing him as Jeremy from You're Beautiful, a blindingly bright personality, and as FT-Island's sparkly lead singer. Choi Kang-Ju's character was totally different from both! I guess it proves Lee Hong-Ki's skill.
Because of the story line, it felt like the climax was reached in episode 11 and then the other 5 episodes were about the aftereffects of that. Those 5 episodes, although the content was interesting enough, seemed to drag on the same problem for all 5 of those hour-long episodes. If I were involved in writing this drama, I would have handled the plot timing and the episodes a little differently.
Bride of the Century wasn't bad at all. 4/5 stars!
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