The 2017 Korean drama, starring Park Seo-Joon as Ko Dong-Man, Kim Ji-Won as Choi Ae-Ra, Ann Jae-Hong as Kim Ju-Man, and Song Ha-Yoon as Baek Seol-Hee.
Brief synopsis: Four friends, four dreams. When they were young, they were so hopeful for those dreams to come true, but now that they’re older they aren’t so sure. Ae-Ra longs to get her hands on a microphone, Dong-Man wants to correct a mistake he made ten years ago, Ju-Man desires to move forward in his career to provide for a family, and Seol-Hee dreams of being a loving mom. They all live in the same apartment complex, and when a new landlady moves in upstairs their lives start taking interesting twists and turns.
“Fight My Way” is adorable. It’s comedic, realistic, and uplifting. We get to take a look at the lives of four friends in 2017, but we also get to see footage of the characters in their younger years, when those friendships were just developing.
It’s perfect for every Park Seo-Joon fan. It’s impossible to be disappointed.
The characters are all pretty dynamic. Hard to be bored! They consistently surprise.
This drama really makes you think about dreams and ambitions. What they’re worth, what’s realistic, why you would even have or want one or a few, and how far you’re willing to go for them. What I love about this show that is their paths to achieving their ambitions don’t go as they hoped or planned, but in the end they find a way. There are philosophies that say “Try everything. Never stop your offense. Work hard, go out of your way, and you’ll get the results you want.” But there are other philosophies that say “Things will find their own way regardless of what you do. Be patient looking for your opportunity.” “Fight My Way” tests both of those ideas, but it’s probably a bit more personal and specific than what can be portrayed on-screen.
I don’t know what else to say about this drama, other than I completely loved it! Although it didn’t maintain the highest viewership while it was airing, it’s been nominated for and won several awards, all of them well deserved!
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