The 2005 Korean drama starring Han Chae-Young as Sung Choon-Hyang, Jae Hee as Lee Mong-Ryong, Uhm Tae-Woong and Byun Hak-Do, and Park Si-Eun as Hong Chae-Rin. Also known as “Sassy Girl Choon-Hyang.”
Brief synopsis: When they are only high school students, a misunderstanding between Sung Choon-Hyang and Lee Mong-Ryong gets so out of hand that their parents decide that the only way for them to save face is to get married. But there’s one little problem: Choon-Hyang and Mong-Ryong can barely tolerate each other! Both of them are going to have to learn to control their feisty and temperamental personalities if they’re going to get along.
This drama is so cute and funny! Both of the main characters made it so exciting that sometimes I was on the edge of my seat. I will admit that yes, it’s sappy enough for maple syrup and cheesy enough for nachos, but I still had a good time watching it. The cast was so dynamic and expressive!
I tend to like the contract marriage theme by default, but I have my reasons for favoring it. It’s always about two people who would otherwise have very little to do with each other, but they have something to offer at the moment that the other can’t get any other way. It always starts out a little heartless, but the beauty in the theme is that they learn to see each other’s strengths and attributes that no one else has seen because they just haven’t devoted the time necessary. I believe everyone has good and lovable qualities like that and I like seeing them get recognized.
I do have a little question about this drama: Why did the age gap never come up for Byun Hak-Do and Sung Choon-Hyang? When they first met, Sung Choon-Hyang was only a high school student in the 11th grade. We never get to know exactly how old President Byun is, but he’s not exactly young or fresh out of college. There’s nothing bad about age gaps (unless, of course, it involves a minor), but why ignore it in this case? As a side note, I did think that the melodramatic stuff with Byun Hak-Do was a little over-the-top. If she'd just involved cops and gotten a restraining order that would've been the end of it!
This drama may be sappy, cheesy, and a little melodramatic, but I loved the laughs that it brought. Both main characters Choon-Hyang and Mong-Ryong were so lovable and explosive that I couldn’t help but enjoy watching! So fun! 4/5 stars.
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