The 2014 Korean film starring Lee Jong-Suk as Kang Joong-Gil, Park Bo-Young as Park Young-Sook, Lee Se-Young as Choi So-Hee, and Kim Young-Kwang as Cho Gwang-Sik.
Brief summary: He’s the school playboy, but he’s captured the attention of even the school’s biggest (yet physically smallest) bully Park Young-Sook. When a new girl comes to the school, Kang Joong-Gil falls for her pretty quickly but that’s not going to sit well with Young-Sook. It’s not going to keep things quiet at school, either.
At first I thought the premise for this movie seemed a little odd, but it turned out to be a good film! It’s set in the 80’s so everything has a playful vintage feel.
But this film made me laugh. Lee Jong-Suk is certainly talented! However, his character certainly isn’t. He knows he’s pretty and charming and uses that to make himself cool. Or at least feel like it. (Personal note: I’d have slapped him silly in that theater. Or broken his hand.) Also- leeches aren’t poisonous. The only thing they spit out is anticoagulant.
This film also made me feel. I thought that the parents were all a bit undependable, but at 1:35:00 I realized that the parents all had their own stories too. They weren’t negligent, but just trying to do their best with what they had.
It takes almost the whole movie for Kang Joong-Gil to realize what Young-Sook is willing to do for him, but when that moment comes it feels really sweet. And a little heartbreaking.
That line, though, from Joong-Gil’s uncle: “A girl’s beauty is in the heart.” Between teh two main female characters, Park Young-Sook and Choi So-Hee, Choi So-Hee was pretty and seemed perfect but it turned out that she wasn’t that pretty on the inside. And Young-sook, although she was certainly rough around the edges, her heart was made of gold.
Park Young-Sook is an inspiration. She’s strong, but she knows bull crap when she sees it. And she’s willing to do something about it. I wish I had that kind of confidence all the time.
I also wish I had such confidence to dance in my underwear like Kang Joong-Gil!
That ending, though. I thought I was going to cry! So beautiful! Watch all the way until the end!
Spectacular! Excellent cast and exquisite message. 5/5 stars!
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