The 2016 Korean film starring Yoo Seung-Ho as Kim In-Hong/Kim Seon-Dal, Cho Jae-Hyun as Sung Dae-Ryeon, Ko Chang-Seol as Bo-Won, Ra Mi-ran as the female Buddhist Yoon, and Kim Min-Seol as Gyun. Also known as “Seondal: The Man Who Sells the River.”
Brief summary: Kim Seon-Dal is a conman. He’s good at it. It’s just what he does best. He ha only one rule: the next swindle he pulls has to be bigger and grander than the last. When the villainous Sung Dae-Ryeon reappears in his life, Seon-Dal knows exactly what he’s going to do.
I love this movie! It’s full of laughs and fun. Yoo Seung-Ho stole my heart in this one, too!
This movie has an organized plot that I enjoyed. It’s clear who the villain is and Seon-Dal creates an elaborate plan to swindle him for justice.
If I could change any one thing, though, the role of Seo Ye-Ji as Gyu-Young was too short and useless. Part of me wondered if she was going to be part of the story or if Seon-Dal was really just faking infatuation to get closer to Sung Dae-Ryeon. When she didn’t show up again, I thought “Well, okay. Don’t really need her anyways.” But if we didn’t need her for the climax, why introduce her? However, she DID reappear in the final scene, so I guess I’m still happy over here.
Apparently, the phrase “You make me flutter” can serve as a pick-up line 😂.
This movie was pretty fantastic. It’s hilarious but also heart-warming. The production was top-notch, too. Highly recommend! 5/5 stars.
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