The 2013-2014 Korean drama starring Jun Ji-Hyun as Cheon Song-Yi, Kim Soo-Hyun as Do Min-Jun, Park Hae-Jin as Lee Hui-Kyung, Yoo In-Na as Yoo Se-Mi, and Shin Sung-Rok as Lee Jae-Kyung. Also known as “My Love from the Star.”
Brief summary: The alien Do Min-Jun first came to earth during the Joseon Dynasty and saved the life of a young girl, but lost her in a tragedy. Stuck on earth without a guide, Do Min-Jun has lived just waiting for the day his people come back for him. But now that the day grows nearer, his life becomes chaotic as the actress Cheon Song-Yi is thrust into his life as his neighbor with her fiery personality and outrageous habits. And that not even all— she also bears a striking resemblance to the Joseon girl!
This drama is amazing! It’s a tasteful blend of romance, comedy, sci-fi, and just a dash of thriller. My Love from Another Star received a lot of love and praise when it first aired and it’s still quite the kicker!
For a 2013 drama, the production was nothing short of impressive. Because the character Do Min-Jun has supernatural abilities as an alien, the crew had to use newer techniques and higher quality cameras to pull them all off, including the freeze frame technique that hadn’t been used on the small screen before.
Jun Ji-Hyun is one of my favorite actresses to watch because she just radiates the “girl-power” vibe. She just rocks it! Whatever I’ve seen her in (be it The Thieves, Legend of the Blue Sea, or this drama), she plays off a confidence I only wish I could muster. Becuase of Cheon Song-Yi’s profession, we want to think that her character is living in a world we can’t relate to, but then throughout the drama Cheon Song-Yi proves that even though she’s in a spotlight she still wants the things a normal person wants and struggles with the things a normal person struggles with.
Kim Soo-Hyun was also cool. Since Moon Embracing the Sun, he’s been on my list of best cry-actors (right next to Kim Go-Eun and Park Bo-Gum) and will probably move your heart with his tears as well.
This drama had a lot of cameos and special appearances, but the two I recognized the easiest were Suzy Bae and in episode 17 and Yeon Woo-Jin in episode 18. Power to them for nailing the small roles on the head!
I liked this drama a whole lot more watching it the second time. It was the fix I needed and I laughed and loved to the extreme. It’s a cute story that you won’t be able to get enough of! 5/5 stars!
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